Reviews and appeals

If you are unhappy with the way your complaint about the police was handled or with the final outcome, you can apply for it to be reviewed.
White man with glasses at a laptop

If your complaint was made on or after 1 February 2020, you have a right of review. 

You can apply for a review if you are unhappy with the way your complaint was handled, or with the final outcome. It is important that you send your review to the correct organisation – sometimes, this is referred to as the relevant review body. 

Your outcome letter from the police service or other organisation who dealt with your original complaint should clearly state who the relevant review body is - it could be the IOPC or another policing body, such as your local police and crime commissioner.

There are a number of potential outcomes from a review which are outlined below. We recommend reading our frequently asked questions before submitting a request to have your complaint reviewed. The IOPC can only consider reviews where we are the relevant review body. 

What are the possible outcomes from an IOPC review?

We may:

A tick in a circle make a recommendation that the police offer an apology, or another remedy to resolve the complaint
A tick in a circle direct a police force to re-investigate your original complaint
A tick in a circle identify learning to help improve policing
A tick in a circle agree that the complaint was handled reasonably and proportionately, resulting in no further action         


We are not able to:

A cross in a circle direct an organisation to provide compensation
A cross in a circle open a criminal investigation or change the outcome of previous criminal proceedings, such as a caution
A cross in a circle re-investigate your original complaint as part of the review process
A cross in a circle comment on matters or new evidence which did not form part of the original complaint


In exceptional circumstances we may:

A tick in a circle recommend disciplinary proceedings    
A tick in a circle independently re-investigate your complaint if our review finds that this is required                
A tick in a circle arrange for a referral to be made to the Crown Prosecution Service                                                          

Requesting a review of your complaint

Watch our video to learn how you can request a review, and to hear answers to our frequently asked questions.
Requesting a review video

Frequently asked questions

Request a review

Complete our online form if you are unhappy with the way your complaint about the police was handled, or with the final outcome. Request a review


What is casework?

Watch our video to find out about the team who carry out reviews and appeals. Our Casework Manager, Vanessa, explains what casework involves, and why it is vital to our work to drive improvements in policing practices.
Casework video