Submit a review

If you are unhappy with the way your complaint about the police was handled or with the final outcome, you can apply for a review.

Reviews form

Please use this secure online form if you are unhappy about the outcome of your complaint, or about how your complaint has been handled. 

Your outcome letter from the police service or other organisation who dealt with your original complaint should clearly state who the relevant review body is - it could be the IOPC or another policing body, such as your local police and crime commissioner. The IOPC can only consider reviews where we are the relevant review body. 

Following confirmation that we are the correct appeal/review body, we will let you know when we begin to process it. To consider your review, we will contact the police force that you complained about. We will give them a copy of your review and ask them for any information they have about your original complaint and subsequent review.

Once we have received all the information, we will assess your review and make our decision. Please note that, if we handle your review, we look at how the police handled your complaint. We do not investigate your original complaint.

If you would prefer to send your review by email or in writing, please use the word or pdf version of our reviews form. Alternatively, you can call us on 0300 020 0096 (press 1 at prompt). This form is also available in Welsh.


(limit 8700 characters, approximately 1200 words)

How your information will be handled

The IOPC is committed to ensuring your information is secure. We have robust, physical and electronic controls in place to keep your information secure. The information you provide on this form will be entered into our systems and may be sent to the police force or (relevant authority) to be processed. If you have any concerns about your information being passed to the police, please call us on 0300 020 0096. We will use any information you provide in accordance with our privacy notice.

About you

Are you requesting an appeal/review on your own behalf? (Required)

Your details

For information about how we handle your personal information, please read our privacy notice

Date of birth

Details of the person you are requesting the review/appeal for

For information about how we handle your personal information, please read our privacy notice.

Date of birth

Police force/other organisation information

Date you made your complaint

Information about your appeal/review

Please note that the information you provide may be passed to the police force (or relevant authority) involved.

(limit 8700 characters, approximately 1200 words)
(limit 8700 characters, approximately 1200 words)
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
0 bytes limit
Allowed types: doc docx xls xlsx ppt pptx pdf txt png jpg tiff svg giff
If you are unable to add the decision letter, please add the date of the decision letter to help us identify your case

Equality information

We want to make sure that everyone has an equal chance to use and benefit from our services.

To help us ensure we continue to do this, it would help us if you could answer the following questions.

If you prefer, you can skip the question as it will not affect your complaint in any way. The information provided in this form will be used by public bodies involved in the police complaints system, including the police and IOPC.

You can find out how your personal information will be used in the privacy notices found on the website of each organisation.

Which option below describes your disability? (tick all that apply)


Confirmation and completion

By clicking on the 'Complete' button below, you are confirming the information you have provided is truthful and accurate to the best of your knowledge. 

Find out how your personal information will be used by reading our privacy policy, and by accessing the websites of the other organisations involved.