Road traffic incident following police pursuit - Metropolitan Police Service, October 2022

Published 23 Apr 2023

At approximately 12.30am on 19 October 2022 patrol units from the North-West Command of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) received information that Mr X, who was wanted by police for outstanding matters, was in a local food takeaway shop. Mr X had already left the shop, driving away in a black BMW, by the time police arrived. The BMW was later located nearby and on seeing the marked police vehicles, the man drove off, mounting the pavement before driving away at speed. 

The suspect vehicle was followed by officers in three police cars for a very short period before they lost sight of the BMW vehicle. The police officers commenced an area search to find the vehicle. Officers found it after it had already hit Mr Z`s car. The BMW was abandoned in a hedge and Mr X had left the scene.

Mr Z sustained potentially life changing injuries and he was taken to a nearby hospital where he received treatment. The consultant in charge of his post incident care at that time, confirmed that Mr Z had sustained three broken ribs and a spinal injury. 

This matter was referred to the IOPC on 19 October 2022 as a mandatory death or serious injury referral.
During the course of the investigation, we obtained statements from police officers involved in the search for Mr X, prior to his collision with Mr Z. Police in-vehicle video footage was reviewed as well as BWV footage. Throughout the investigation contact was maintained with Mr Z. All relevant policies and procedures were reviewed. 

We concluded, there was no indication any police officer had behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings or had committed a criminal offence.

We carefully considered whether there were any learning opportunities arising from the investigation. We make learning recommendations to improve policing and public confidence in the police complaints system, and prevent a recurrence of similar incidents. 

In this case, the investigation has not identified any learning. 

IOPC reference
