Reports of domestic incident prior to child sustaining serious injuries - Greater Manchester Police, June 2020

Published 15 Dec 2022

On 12 June 2020, Greater Manchester Police (GMP) opened a domestic incident log at an address in Worsley, Greater Manchester. A neighbour had reported hearing a man and woman involved in an incident where he had locked her, and their child, out of their home. The man was reportedly heard threatening physical violence against the woman. The incident remained unallocated throughout the day.  The neighbour contacted GMP the next morning to inform them that the man appeared to have locked the woman out and was shouting abuse. GMP officers attended and took the man to hospital at his request. The incident was closed as a domestic incident with a child present. 

In the preceding weeks, neighbours' made numerous calls to GMP to report similar incidents. 

On 9 August 2020, GMP were contacted by a hospital who informed them that the child registered at the address had non-accidental bruising to his face and chest and suffered a sudden deterioration in condition. Both the man and woman were subsequently arrested in connection with the child's injuries.

We obtained and examined documents that recorded the series of incidents between June and August 2020. We took statements from officers who attended the incidents and those involved with the criminal investigation into the child's injuries. We obtained supplementary statements from police officers working within in specialist teams and multi-agencies. We also reviewed radio transmissions and body-worn video footage. We compared all available evidence with relevant GMP policies and national guidance.

Our investigation concluded in July 2021. 

We concluded there was no indication that a person serving with the police may have committed a criminal offence or behaved in a manner justifying the bringing of disciplinary proceedings. We did recommend some individual learning points for officers. We deemed it appropriate for this to be in the form of a structured conversation with line management.

We carefully considered whether there were any learning opportunities arising from the investigation. We make learning recommendations to improve policing and public confidence in the police complaints system, and prevent a recurrence of similar incidents. 

We identified several areas of organisational learning.

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due
