Recommendation - Sussex Police, March 2023
We identified organisational learning from a review following other handling. The complainant requested a review after making a complaint to Sussex Police. She alleged an unlawful arrest and sexual assault when in custody. During a search, her clothing was removed and she was placed into anti-rip clothing. She alleged she was sexually assaulted as the search and removal of her clothing was unwarranted. The case papers revealed that the officers involved in the search and removal of her clothing could not be identified on the custody record.
IOPC reference
The IOPC recommends that Sussex Police should take steps to ensure that details/identity of all officers/custody staff present are documented in the custody record when:
A detainee is searched in custody (irrespective of the level of search)A detainee has their clothing removed for safety purposes which expose intimate parts of the body.
Do you accept the recommendation?
Accepted action:
The recommendation is accepted and will be passed to Custody for the creation of guidance, messaging and implementation. The progress of this recommendation will be monitored through the ACC Local Policing Accountability Board.