Recommendation - Metropolitan Police Service, October 2020

Published 17 Dec 2020

An 18 year old was arrested following a stop and search, as he was found to be carrying a knife like object and a bank card suspected to be stolen. After arriving at custody, the man was found to have a second knife hidden in his clothes. A strip search of the man was authorised but, while waiting for a suitable room to use for the search, the man reached down the front of his trousers and was seen to place an item, believed to be a package of drugs, into his mouth and swallow it. The man was treated in custody before being taken to hospital. In hospital he denied swallowing any item and he did not seem unwell. As a result he was returned to police custody after approximately four hours. During his second period in custody, prior to completion of the booking in process, the man became unwell and collapsed requiring further medical treatment.

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due


  • Metropolitan Police Service
  • Welfare and vulnerable people