Recommendation - Merseyside Police, March 2023

Published 25 Apr 2023

We identified organisational learning from a death or serious injury report.

This case concerns an individual who called the emergency services to report a crime and also voiced thoughts of self-harm and suicide. The operator deployed an ambulance to his address, graded a Category 2 response, which on this day meant there was a one and a half hour wait. Before the ambulance had arrived, the ambulance service had contacted the police to request assistance attending the address, as the individual had called back and informed the ambulance service that they had taken an overdose and was in possession of two knives. Officers were deployed and the individual was found conscious, but it appeared he had taken a large amount of various medications and had a knife next to their bed.

On the PNC record, is stated that the individual had warning markers for self-harm and suicide. This information was available to the operator, but appears it was not reviewed. The Investigating Officer was contacted, and although it is expected that this information should be checked, this is not currently contained in policy.

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due
