Recommendation - College of Policing and National Police Chiefs' Council, August 2019

Published 02 Aug 2019

A young man was found after hanging himself in Greater Manchester after being reported missing from a care facility. Officers attended and noted that there was a ligature around his neck and he was still upright against a fence. They cut him down, leaving the ligature in place and stated that they could not find a pulse. Officers did not attempt CPR and paramedics who arrived a short time later confirmed that the young man was in fact dead. Officers' training was reviewed and it was noted that response officers, while trained in CPR, are not trained in ligature removal. There is also no link in the training that a person who has hanged themselves potentially has gone into cardiac arrest and therefore that CPR should be an option to consider, and that the scenes of crime information to leave the ligature in place should be overruled by the Article two requirement to preserve life.


IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due
