Recommendation - Avon and Somerset Constabulary, March 2021
We identified organisational learning from a review of a local police investigation. Reports led to the police making a decision to revoke a shotgun licence and seize three shotguns. The guns were seized but no receipt was provided to the owner who indicated the APP for Major Investigation and Public Protection - Firearms Licensing stated a receipt should be provided in line with Home Office guidance. That guidance indicates some guns can have considerable monetary value.
IOPC reference
The IOPC recommends that Avon & Somerset Constabulary should put in place a mechanism by which a receipt is provided when firearms are seized in line with the Authorised Professional Practice Major Investigation and Public Protection - Firearms Licensing.
A member of the public complained they had not been given a receipt when their firearms were seized during an operation to do so where the firearms certificate had been revoked.
Do you accept the recommendation?
Accepted action:
Procedural Guidance changed to include officers providing receipts when seizing firearms and to update niche.
Change shared directly with Operations department via the Firearms Licensing Manager.