Police contact with a woman before her death and a subsequent complaint about the handling of linked allegations – Cleveland Police, August 2018

Published 10 Dec 2020

On 29 August 2018, Cleveland police commenced an investigation into the death of a woman. Cleveland Police arrested the woman’s partner on suspicion of murder who has since been convicted of this offence.

Cleveland Police reviewed the police contact involving the woman and her partner and located the first report of concern for the woman recorded on 22 May 2018. From this time, up to the date of the woman’s death, several more incidents were located involving her and her partner.

Cleveland Police also located a report of two sexual assaults and a report of rape made by another woman against the deceased woman’s partner in January 2018 and March 2018. As a result of their review, Cleveland Police identified concerns in these instances of contact between police, the deceased woman, her partner and the third woman.
Cleveland Police made a conduct referral to us on 30 August 2018.

On 3 September 2018, we decided to independently investigate the conduct matter, however, our case decision maker decided to suspend the investigation due to the ongoing criminal proceedings.

On 31 January 2019, Cleveland Police received a complaint relating to their contact with the woman who reported the rape and sexual assault allegation and made a complaint referral to us on 1 February 2019. The complaint was linked to the conduct matter and remained suspended until the criminal proceedings.

On 10 July 2019, we resumed our investigation into the linked complaint and conduct matter.

During the investigation, we interviewed four subject officers under misconduct caution, obtained statements from several witnesses, obtained compliance reviews relating to the force and department which dealt with the investigation and compared the actions undertaken against local, national policy and legislation.

There were four subject officers as part of this investigation. One sergeant and one police constable who responded to concerns for welfare for the deceased woman.

We found the police constable facing misconduct had no case to answer but determined that management action would be appropriate.

The management action related to the guidance on updating a Public Protection Notice (PPN). The officer mistakenly believed that another officer had done this as he saw a PPN on the system. He also did not read the previous officer’s PPN. Consequently, that PPN related to another matter involving the rape victim and the subject officer should have completed a PPN following his visit.

We found the sergeant facing misconduct had no case to answer.

The remaining two officers, a detective constable and a detective inspector, were both investigated in relation to their involvement in the rape investigation involving another woman. We found no case to answer for misconduct for both officers.

We carefully considered whether there were any learning opportunities arising from the investigation. We make learning recommendations to improve policing and public confidence in the police complaints system and prevent a recurrence of similar incidents. 
In this case we identified an area for improvement and progressed this under Paragraph 28A of the Police Reform Act 2002. 

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due
