Police contact with a man before his arrest - Metropolitan Police Service, July 2019

Published 02 Nov 2021

In July 2019, officers from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) spoke with a man about a traffic offence in Poplar, East London. The officers arrested the man and in doing so used force taking the man to the ground. Whilst restraining the man on the ground, it appeared the man suffered two seizures. 

We conducted house to house enquiries and a witness appeal to gather evidence. We interviewed members of the public and key police witnesses. We also reviewed and analysed body worn video footage and mobile phone footage taken by members of the public. We interviewed the officer subject to our investigation under misconduct caution.

We found a case to answer for misconduct  and recommended for it to be dealt with through management action, focusing on responsibilities under the Equality Act to consider and make reasonable adjustments, tactical communication, de-escalation, officer safety and medical implications relating to takedowns where pressure to the neck area is applied. 

We also identified areas for organisational learning and issued national recommendations to be considered and implementedn.

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due
