Man tasered during arrest in the presence of a child – Greater Manchester Police, May 2020

Published 12 Apr 2022

On 6 May 2020, Greater Manchester police officers arrested a man on a petrol station forecourt for road traffic offences. Officers suspected the driver, who was travelling with a five-year-old boy in the passenger seat, was intoxicated and he did not comply when they attempted to breathalyse him. The incident escalated when police attempted to arrest the man, which resulted in a Taser being discharged seven times.

We investigated complaints made on behalf of the man. The evidence obtained examined the ‘use of force’ tactics employed by the officers and whether the man’s ethnic background resulted in less favourable treatment.

During the investigation, we obtained statements from the officers involved and an eyewitness and examined footage from the officers’ body-worn video, CCTV and social media. We also consulted an expert in the use of Taser for their opinion on the tactics used.

Our investigation concluded in May 2021. We waited for all associated proceedings to be complete before publishing our findings.

The evidence did not suggest that an officer may have acted in a way that justified disciplinary proceedings or committed a criminal offence.

We also considered whether the complainant’s ethnicity influenced the way the incident was handled, including analysis of the officers’ previous use of force and complaints against them. We found no evidence to suggest the complainant’s ethnicity was a factor in the decision to use force against him.

We carefully considered whether there were any learning opportunities arising from the investigation. We make learning recommendations to improve policing and public confidence in the police complaints system and prevent a recurrence of similar incidents. We identified several areas of learning for force and the officers involved in the incident, including a learning point in local training for officers to give due considerations when a child is present where a Taser is used. We also recommended the force reminds officers about policies for decision-making logs. We progressed our recommendations with Greater Manchester Police and the College of Policing. 

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due


  • Greater Manchester Police
  • Use of force and armed policing