Man reported threats to harm via 101 telephone service – Cleveland Police, February 2021
On 26 February 2021, a member of the public called Cleveland Police using the 101 service to report he had been threatened with violence at his home address. An incident was created to deal with the matter, but the log was not raised correctly, and no officer attended the address. Later that same day the member of the public was seriously assaulted at his home address.
This matter was referred to us in March 2021.
We obtained and reviewed audio of all relevant telephone calls from Cleveland Police, as well as the incident log. We also obtained statements from the involved members of police staff.
Our investigation concluded in June 2021.
We concluded there was no indication any police officer or member of police staff may have behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings or committed a criminal offence.
We identified potential learning during our investigation in respect of staff call handler training and the system not alerting the call handler to the fact a log has not been transferred. We did not deem it necessary to issue learning recommendations as we were satisfied Cleveland Police have taken steps to rectify all these matters before they came to our attention.