Man injured during restraint and arrest - Thames Valley Police, March 2018

Published 06 Mar 2019

On 3 March 2018 Thames Valley Police officers attended a shop in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, following an allegation that a man was threatening members of the public with a chair. Officers found the man and arrested him. He was taken down to the ground by officers after resisting, and sustained an injury to his nose. The man was transported to custody, where he was assessed by a health care professional (HCP), who determined he was fit for detention. The man remained in custody for some time without issue, but became unwell and was reassessed by the HCP, who decided the man should be taken to hospital for head injury assessment. A scan showed the man had no signs of head injury, but it was thought he may have fractured his nose. The man was released from hospital and returned to custody later that evening and was taken to court the following day.

Our investigators conducted a detailed investigation. They took witness statements from police staff, police officers and members of the public, and from the man who was injured. They logged and analysed CCTV footage, and police officers’ body-worn camera footage, along with radio and telephone transmissions.

Based on the evidence available we found no indication that any person serving with the police may have behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings, or had committed a criminal offence. We concluded our investigation in November 2018.

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due
