Man found dead after being reported missing - Thames Valley Police, April 2018

Published 18 Feb 2020

On 17 April 2018 a man was taken into custody by Thames Valley Police for an alleged sexual assault. Following his release from police custody the next day the man was reported as missing after he sent his fiancée a suicidal text message. Thames Valley Police conducted a high-risk missing person search and found the man on 19 April. He had taken his own life.

During the investigation, investigators interviewed several witnesses, including family members and friends of the man, police witnesses and a custody trainer.

Evidence showed that the man had disclosed to the custody officer during his booking-in process that he had a mental health condition, a history of self-harm and suicide attempts. The man had previously served a custodial sentence for similar sexual offences and was a registered sex offender.

Based on the evidence available we were of the opinion that one police officer had failed to consider the risks to the man at the booking-in process, when the man informed him he had personality disorder and previously tried to self-harm (including the increased risk factor he had been detained for an alleged sexual offence), and had also failed to offer the man support for his mental health issues. As the officer accepted his failings, and we found no evidence of wilful misconduct, we considered that this could be appropriately dealt with by management action.

We were also of the opinion that the performance of another officer may not have been to the standard expected of an experienced police officer, and suggested that this officer also receive management action.

After reviewing our report, the force agreed and advised that both officers would receive management action.

We completed our investigation in February 2019 but waited until the inquest into the man’s death had completed before publishing its outcomes.

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due


  • Custody and detention
  • Death and serious injury
  • Welfare and vulnerable people