Man becomes unwell and dies after being arrested - North Wales Police, February 2019

Published 13 Nov 2019

On 12 February 2019 North Wales Police officers went to a man’s home to carry out a search and arrest him for an offence. The man told the officers that he suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, for which he needed medication. Officers recovered his medication, consisting of an inhaler and tablets. The man was allowed to retain his inhaler and told that, once at the police station, he would be seen by a health practitioner. The man was compliant but became breathless once in the police vehicle. Officers ‘de-arrested’ him and decided to take him to hospital. En route they decided that an ambulance was necessary and they stopped to provide first aid themselves before the arrival of paramedics. The man became unconscious and, despite efforts by police and ambulance staff, he died.

Police officers gave accounts of what had occurred independently of each other. Our investigators interviewed the man’s family and attended the post-mortem examination.

There was no evidence that any restraint or force was used. The post-mortem examination revealed that the man had died of natural causes.

Based on the evidence available we found no indication that any person serving with the police may have behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings, or had committed a criminal offence.

IOPC reference

  • North Wales Police
  • Custody and detention
  • Death and serious injury