Investigation into the West Yorkshire Police response to reports of injuries to a one-year-old child – West Yorkshire Police, June 2020

Published 16 Feb 2023

On 21 June 2020, the father of a one-year-old child, made a call for concern to West Yorkshire Police (WYP), after he had received photographs of bruising to his daughter’s face. At this time, the child was living with her mother and her mother’s female partner. WYP responded and examined the child. Following discussions with the WYP Safeguarding Unit and Children’s Social Care (CSC), it was decided that the child would be taken to a local hospital for a medical examination by a doctor, to ascertain the cause of the injuries. Following that examination, the doctor was of the opinion that the injuries were caused accidentally. The child was then released back into the custody of her mother.

On 31 August 2020, the child’s father made a further call for concern to WYP, after receiving a video showing bruising to his daughter’s face. WYP made attempts to locate the child and her mother after being directed to an address the father had provide to the police which proved to be incorrect, officers then made attempts to contact the mother by telephone. On speaking to her, the mother explained that they were on a family holiday in Scotland and would be returning the following day for a pre-arranged meeting with CSC as CSC had also been made aware of the alleged bruising to the child’s face.

After receiving that information, WYP did not attempt to locate the child and examine her themselves and allowed CSC to continue with their meeting with the family and examination of the child. Following that meeting, CSC informed WYP that the injuries were thought to be accidental and that the complaints being made by family members were malicious, as the child’s mother and partner were in a same sex relationship.

On 22 September 2020, the Yorkshire Ambulance Service responded to a call from the child’s home. They found the child unresponsive and took her to a local hospital, where very sadly, despite attempts to revive her, she was later pronounced dead.

In October 2020, we commenced an independent investigation into the WYP response to the calls from the child’s father, however, this was pended until the completion of the criminal trial of her mother and partner in December 2021. The mother’s partner was found guilty of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment, with a recommendation that she should serve at least 25 years in custody while the child’s mother was found guilty of allowing or causing the death of a child and was given a custodial sentence of eight years, later increased to 12 years.

During our investigation, we gathered a large volume of evidence, including, telephone call recordings, police radio transmissions, body worn video recordings, witness statements and other associated documents from the WYP criminal investigation, police incident logs and other associated police documents as well as local and national police policy and procedures. We also obtained a large volume of statements from police and police civilian staff. We also liaised with and obtained the report completed by the National Children’s Safeguarding Review Panel. The investigation concluded there was no indication any police officer may have behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings or committed a criminal offence.

We concluded our investigation in November 2022 and shared our report with WYP who agreed with our findings. On 13 February 2023, HM Coroner decided there was no requirement to hold an inquest into the child’s death.

We carefully considered whether there were any learning opportunities arising from the investigation. We make learning recommendations to improve policing and public confidence in the police complaints system, and prevent a recurrence of similar incidents. Our investigation highlighted a number of areas of learning for WYP resulting in learning recommendations.

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due
