Investigation into relationship between an officer and a member of the public - Essex Police, October 2018

Published 17 Sep 2019

An officer with Essex Police started a relationship with a woman he met while on duty in full uniform at a public protest, after he gave her his phone number.

This matter was referred to us by Essex Police in October 2018.

During the investigation, our investigators interviewed the officer under misconduct caution and obtained accounts from his managers. We also completed background checks on the woman.

The officer did not dispute providing the woman with his personal contact number while on duty at the protest. No evidence was found to suggest the officer took other actions to pursue that contact, nor that he attempted to develop that opportunity until the woman contacted him several weeks later. We found no evidence to suggest that the woman is vulnerable or was at the time, and no evidence to suggest the officer abused his position of trust or power. At the time, the woman was not a witness, victim or suspect.

The investigation also established that the officer reported his contact and subsequent relationship with the woman to his line manager at the next available meeting, in line with College of Policing guidance on maintaining a professional boundary. His line manager introduced appropriate measures accordingly. The officer also referred himself to Essex Police Professional Standards Department after speaking to another line manager.

Based on the evidence available we found no indication that the officer may have behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings, or had committed a criminal offence. We completed our investigation in December 2018.

After reviewing our report Essex Police agreed.

IOPC reference
