Investigation into recruitment irregularities and the actions of a civilian staff member – British Transport Police, June 2018

Published 28 Jun 2023

In November 2015 and May 2018, two different job roles were advertised as new vacancies within the British Transport Police (BTP) Legal Services directorate.

A candidate, who had worked previously with the panel chair at another company, was offered the first role before the process closed. The panel chair continued to be involved with the recruitment process despite the conflict of interest. Staff accounts contained discrepancies over whether the candidate attended relevant assessments and interview. 
In the second recruitment process, an applicant passed the assessment and interview, but the outcome was delayed. Representations were made to senior managers that the role required a higher salary and change in responsibilities to attract a preferred candidate. The applicant who had passed the assessment at the lower pay grade was told she was unsuccessful.

The role was re-advertised at the higher rate and the preferred candidate applied. Before attending an interview, the professional standards team were notified through the confidential anonymous reporting system for a suspected failure to follow HR policy and procedure. 
Following a referral, we declared an independent investigation in June 2018.

We obtained statements, conducted interviews, and gathered and analysed BTP policies and procedures to examine the actions of a senior member of BTP civilian staff during these two separate recruitment rounds. We also retrieved and analysed relevant correspondence between all parties involved in the recruitment process.

We completed our investigation in November 2020.

We concluded that the member of civilian staff had a case to answer for gross misconduct. We passed our report to BTP who agreed with our findings. We determined that the usual recruitment and application process had been circumvented and inappropriately interfered with, and managers were misled in the second recruitment process to secure a higher salary for a preferred candidate.

We also examined the actions of two BTP police officers who reviewed the recruitment process, prior to our independent investigation. Subsequently, the actions of a third officer were examined following their review of recruitment irregularities. One officer had a case to answer for misconduct resulting in management action. Individual learning was identified for all three officers.

In September 2021 a disciplinary panel dismissed the senior member of civilian staff without notice for gross misconduct.

We carefully considered whether there were any learning opportunities arising from the investigation. We make learning recommendations to improve policing and public confidence in the police complaints system and prevent a recurrence of similar incidents.

We consulted with BTP over key areas for improvement. This  included a review of how staff are contacted when they make confidential reports through an internal system  and certain working practices in relation to passing information between teams within the department .

We consulted with BTP over its recruitment policy  and whether it was necessary for the force to make amendments . Additionally, we advised the implementation of a robust process for visitors  to attend BTP premises. We also recommended BTP put in place mechanisms to monitor the deletion of documents or files from shared and personal computer drives . 

IOPC reference

2018/104270, 2018/111500
Date of recommendation
Date response due
