Investigation into police use of Taser - Metropolitan Police Service,

Published 19 Apr 2024

On 21 January 2021, police were called to a report the girl was armed with gardening shears and a hammer and was threatening to assault her mother at their home in Streatham, south-west London.

On arrival, an officer requested she drop the shears, but she did not comply and turned away to start walking up a staircase. She was then Tasered twice in quick succession.

The girl was then handcuffed and arrested for assault, but later de-arrested and seen by paramedics before being taken to hospital and treated for minor injuries sustained from the Taser barbs.

We began our investigation in March 2021, after the force referred a complaint from the girl’s father.

Our investigation looked at whether the force used against the child was justified, proportionate and the minimum force necessary in the circumstances; whether sufficient aftercare was provided to her following the Taser discharge and whether her welfare was appropriately considered.

At the conclusion of our investigation in August 2021, we sent a file of evidence to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to consider a criminal charge against the officer. The CPS decided not to charge and maintained this decision after the child’s family exercised their right to review.

We found the officer should face a gross misconduct hearing for potentially breaching the police professional standard relating to the use of force.

Police forces usually present disciplinary cases against their officers but the IOPC chose to present this case as we felt it was in the public interest, the Met disagreed with our decision and we believed it would enhance public confidence in the police complaints process.

As part of our investigation, we examined body-worn video evidence of the incident, obtained statements from the family members who witnessed the incident and the other police officer present and interviewed the officer.

After a four-day hearing, which followed our investigation, an independently chaired disciplinary panel found the officer did not use unnecessary and unreasonable force when he Tasered the child and was cleared of gross misconduct. 

We carefully considered whether there were any learning opportunities arising from the investigation. We make learning recommendations to improve policing and public confidence in the police complaints system, and prevent a recurrence of similar incidents. 

In this case, the investigation has not identified any learning.

IOPC reference

  • Metropolitan Police Service
  • Use of force and armed policing