Investigation into police contact before a death - Northumbria Police, January 2022

Published 04 Oct 2023

On 3 December 2021, Northumbria Police recorded a domestic violence (DV) crime of common assault, after a victim alleged her partner had hit her head against a car. The victim did not provide a written statement to Northumbria Police and the crime was closed without Northumbria Police speaking to her partner, the alleged perpetrator.

On 9 December 2021, Northumbria Police recorded a DV crime of stalking/harassment as a result of the victim's partner attending her home address and removing personal belongings, including a mobile phone. He then posted messages on the victim's social media profile and sent messages from her personal accounts to others. The victim then disclosed historic assaults which had not previously been reported to Northumbria Police. However, at the time she did not provide further information about the historic assaults and so the crime was closed.

On 15 December 2021, Northumbria Police recorded a DV crime of assault occasioning actual bodily harm after the partner allegedly punched the victim whilst in a car. As a result, she sustained bruising all over her body. She provided a statement but did not give her support for her partner to be prosecuted. Northumbria Police did not speak to the victim's partner and the crime was closed.

On 21 December 2021, Northumbria Police recorded a DV crime of assault occasioning actual bodily harm as a result of a third-party Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) referral. The victim reported that her partner collected her in his car and punched her in the face causing a black eye. At the time of the referral to the IOPC, the crime remained open with Northumbria Police and unallocated to an officer.

At 1.16pm on 20 January 2022, the victim's mother contacted Northumbria Police reporting she found her daughter dead. She reported it appeared her daughter had been beaten up. Officers attended the address and the victim's parents reported that, at 11pm the previous night, their daughter had experienced a DV incident at the hands of her partner.

A post-mortem examination revealed ‘no pathological evidence of third party involvement’ in the victim's death.

On 25 January 2022, Northumbria Police made a mandatory death or serious injury (DSI) referral to the IOPC.

We did not investigate the circumstances of the victim's death as that is a matter for Northumbria Police and HM Coroner. 

We are awaiting the inquest to conclude before publishing our findings.

We identified several areas of organisational learning for Northumbria Police.

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due
