Investigation into police contact before death - Devon and Cornwall Police, July 2021

Published 10 Aug 2021

Our investigation found that Devon and Cornwall Police officers treated a woman in custody, who died soon after in hospital, in line with policies and procedures. 

A woman became unwell in a cell at Charles Cross custody suite in Plymouth at around 4.30pm on 3 July 2020. CPR was administered by custody staff and a healthcare practitioner. She was taken to hospital, where she died the following morning. The woman had been arrested at an address in Weston Mill Road and taken into custody at around 1.30pm on 3 July. 

A small plastic bag containing traces of white powder was later found by hospital staff secreted internally on her person. A post mortem concluded that she had died due to the effects of cocaine. 

At the end of a four-day inquest in Plymouth in spring 2024, a jury returned a narrative conclusion. Issuing our findings has awaited the end of the inquest.

We began our investigation following a mandatory referral from Devon and Cornwall Police. We looked at the level of care provided during the period of detention, including the thoroughness of searches and checks carried out. Investigators reviewed CCTV and body-worn video footage of the arrest and time in police custody as well as relevant police documentation. We also obtained witness statements from officers and staff who interacted with the woman and the paramedics who treated her. 

Our investigation found no evidence that she was either under the influence of drugs or that she had concealed any item internally at the booking in stage. This was supported by our review of CCTV footage.  She was strip-searched on her arrival in custody with a negative result. The evidence indicates that officers conducted an appropriate and thorough visual inspection during the strip-search. Police personnel stated they had asked the woman whether she had any weapons or drugs on her and she had replied not.

We found it reasonable for custody staff to place the woman under Level 1 observations requiring a cell visit every 30 minutes. The evidence shows that staff checked on her at regular intervals. A detention officer noticed that she appeared to be experiencing a seizure when reviewing the CCTV feeds around four minutes after their previous visit to the cell. An ambulance was called promptly, and a healthcare professional attended swiftly to assist in providing treatment. Following the arrival of the Ambulance Service, police officers and staff helped carry out CPR. A detention officer further assisted by performing chest compressions during the journey to hospital.

We carefully considered whether there were any learning opportunities arising from the investigation. We make learning recommendations to improve policing and public confidence in the police complaints system, and prevent a recurrence of similar incidents. In this case, the investigation has identified learning.

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due
