Collision following pursuit - Metropolitan Police Service, August 2018

Published 03 Apr 2019

At approximately 12.55pm on 27 August 2018, two Metropolitan Police Service officers in a marked police vehicle in Bromley, south-east London, saw two mopeds they suspected were stolen. The mopeds appeared to turn around on seeing the police vehicle and the officers witnessed both mopeds go through a red traffic light.

The driver of the police vehicle activated lights and sirens and began to pursue the mopeds. The mopeds were already a significant distance away from the police vehicle.

After approximately two minutes, the police vehicle had caught up to the mopeds. The passenger and radio operator in the police vehicle believed the riders would now be aware they were being required to stop but were failing to do so. The radio operator notified the police control room that the mopeds were failing to stop for police.

Approximately two minutes after the first radio transmission, the mopeds entered a pedestrianised area. Bollards prevented the police vehicle from following. While one of the mopeds was navigating the pedestrianised area, the rider collided with one of the bollards. As a result of the collision, the rider suffered a broken arm.

Our investigators obtained statements from the two officers and recovered CCTV footage from the route taken by the pursuit. A member of the public who witnessed part of the pursuit also provided an account.

Our investigators obtained and analysed police incident logs, alongside radio transmissions and a collision report containing images from the scene of the collision.

Based on the evidence available we found no indication that any person serving with the police may have behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings, or had committed a criminal offence. We completed our investigation in February 2019.

After reviewing our report, the force agreed.

IOPC reference
