Investigations into the actions surrounding a missing persons enquiry - Metropolitan Police Service, December 2019

Published 18 Jul 2021

In December 2019, a man was reported missing from a mental health facility and a few hours later was located under a train at Finsbury Park Station. 

Our investigation focused on the actions of Metropolitan Police Servaice (MPS) staff and officers following the initial report of the man being missing.

We obtained witness statements and examined the records of actions taken by police officers and police staff, alongside the relevant policies and procedures.

During our investigation, there was no indication any police officer had behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings or had committed a criminal offence.

Our investigation concluded in December 2020. We waited for external proceedings to conclude before publishing our findings. 

We carefully considered whether there were any organisational learning opportunities arising from the investigation. We make learning recommendations to improve policing and public confidence in the police complaints system and prevent a recurrence of similar incidents. 

In this case we identified the following areas for improvement.

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due


  • Metropolitan Police Service
  • Welfare and vulnerable people