Recommendation - West Yorkshire Police, July 2022
We identified organisational learning from a local death or serious injury report.
IOPC reference
The IOPC recommends that West Yorkshire Police consider creating a policy or procedure for the management of intelligence that is submitted via the force’s Partnership Intelligence Portal. Any policy or procedure should reflect how to handle intelligence about a person’s safety or welfare to ensure such information is efficiently actioned
This follows a DSI investigation during which it took a number of days for an intelligence report to be actioned. The intelligence was reported via the force's Partnership Intelligence Portal by a housing association. The intelligence related to a female who was heard advising that she had seen a large group of men nearby and she did not want them to find out whose sister she was as these men had previously assaulted her brother. The intelligence was handled by a number of individuals prior to it being actioned, during which time the female's brother was further assaulted. It was not determined whether the perpetrators of this assault were the same individuals referenced in the intelligence.
During the investigation it was identified that whilst there is a usual process in respect of the management of intelligence, there is currently no specific force policy or documented procedure. It is possible that the creation of such a policy or procedure could result in information that is submitted to the portal being managed more efficiently.
Awaiting response