IOPC thematic focus on race discrimination investigations

Published 10 Jul 2020

In July 2020 the IOPC began a looking at race discrimination as a thematic area of focus, with the intention to establish the trends and patterns which might help drive real change in policing practice. Thematic case selection involves independently investigating more cases where racial discrimination may be a factor in order to develop a body of evidence to identify systemic issues which should be addressed.

Increasing our focus on investigating cases where racial discrimination may be a factor means we are able to look at encounters between the police and the public to identify any emerging themes. We can than see if there is a need to change policing policy or practice.

Ym mis Gorffennaf 2020 dechreuodd yr IOPC edrych ar wahaniaethu ar sail hil fel maes ffocws thematig, â'r bwriad o sefydlu'r tueddiadau a'r patrymau a allai helpu i ysgogi newid gwirioneddol mewn arferion plismona. Mae dewis achosion thematig yn golygu ymchwilio'n annibynnol i fwy o achosion lle gallai gwahaniaethu hiliol fod yn ffactor er mwyn datblygu corff o dystiolaeth er mwyn nodi materion systemig y dylid mynd i'r afael â hwy.

Mae cynyddu ein ffocws ar ymchwilio i achosion lle gall gwahaniaethu hiliol fod yn ffactor yn golygu ein bod yn gallu edrych ar gyfarfyddiadau rhwng yr heddlu a'r cyhoedd er mwyn nodi unrhyw themâu sy'n dod i'r amlwg. Gallwn weld wedyn os oes angen newid polisi neu arfer plismona.

  • Discrimination