#MakeYourselfHeard – Silent Solution awareness campaign

Published 22 Apr 2020

In April 2019, we launched our Make Yourself Heard campaign to raise awareness of the Silent Solution system which helps people with a genuine need, alert police they are in danger when they are unable to speakand debunk the myth that a silent call by itself will automatically bring help. This followed our investigation into prior police contact with Kerry Power, who was murdered by her ex-partner.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, police forces and domestic abuse charities have reported an increase in the number of domestic abuse related calls and in April 2020, the Home Office launched the #youarenotalone campaign. We therefore refreshed our campaign materials and worked with the NPCC, Women’s Aid and Welsh Women’s Aid to again raise awareness of this vital tool.

The Next Generation Text service, run by BT, is designed for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment. You need to register your mobile number before using the service. Visit the NGT website for information.

Ym mis Ebrill 2019, lansiwyd ein hymgyrch "Make Yourself Heard" i godi ymwybyddiaeth o’r system Ateb Tawel sy’n helpu pobl ag angen gwirioneddol, i rybuddio’r heddlu eu bod mewn perygl pan na allant siarad a chwalu’r myth y bydd galwad tawel ar ei phen ei hun yn awtomatig yn dod â help. Roedd hyn yn dilyn ein hymchwiliad i gyswllt blaenorol yr heddlu â Kerry Power, a gafodd ei llofruddio gan ei chyn-bartner.

Yn ystod pandemig COVID-19, mae heddluoedd ac elusennau cam-drin domestig wedi adrodd am gynnydd yn nifer y galwadau sy’n ymwneud â cham-drin domestig ac ym mis Ebrill 2020, lansiodd y Swyddfa Gartref yr ymgyrch #youarenotalone . Felly gwnaethom adnewyddu ein deunyddiau ymgyrchu a gweithio â’r NPCC, Cymorth i Ferched a Chymorth i Ferched Cymru i godi ymwybyddiaeth unwaith eto o’r offeryn hanfodol hwn.

Mae gwasanaeth Next Generation Text, sy’n cael ei redeg gan BT, wedi cael ei gynllunio ar gyfer pobl sy’n fyddar, yn drwm eu clyw neu sydd â nam ar eu lleferydd. Mae angen i chi gofrestru eich rhif ffôn symudol cyn defnyddio'r gwasanaeth. Ewch i wefan NGT (dolen yn un allannol) am wybodaeth.

Posters and social media graphics

  • Domestic abuse
  • Welfare and vulnerable people