Response to calls expressing concern for a woman’s welfare - Leicestershire Police, October 2018

Published 23 Feb 2021

Leicestershire Police received phone calls from members of the public in the early hours of 4 October 2018 expressing concerns for the mental health of a woman who had been knocking on doors in Lutterworth before climbing over a barrier and walking onto the M1 motorway.

Police officers were sent to the incident but before they arrived the woman was hit by a vehicle and received fatal injuries from the collision.

Leicestershire Police referred the case to us as is mandatory when someone dies after contact with the police. They informed us that they had received five previous calls in relation to the woman’s welfare between 10 September 2018 and the date of her death. These incidents were also reviewed as part of our investigation.

We took witness statements from police officers and members of the public for each incident and incident logs, airwaves, phone calls and police officer body-worn camera footage were reviewed.

During the investigation, there was no indication any police officer had behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings or had committed a criminal offence

We identified some areas of learning for the force to consider relating to their missing persons policies and procedures and as well as training for police staff and officers.

At an inquest held in January 2020 the Coroner recorded a narrative verdict.

IOPC reference

  • Leicestershire Police
  • Death and serious injury
  • Welfare and vulnerable people