Death in hospital after arrest - Cleveland Police, March 2019

Published 16 Dec 2020

On 29 March 2019, two Cleveland Police officers visited a woman at her home at the request of a social worker and arrested the woman on suspicion of child neglect. The officers took her to Middlesbrough police station where the custody officer authorised her detention. The custody officer noted her medical ailments and conducted a risk assessment placing her on 30-minute checks. Two health care professionals (HCPs) conducted medical assessments on the woman, the second assessment resulting in her being taken to hospital for a more detailed assessment and treatment. On 1 April, the woman died in hospital.

Cleveland Police referred the case to us as is required when a member of the public dies after contact with the police. We obtained statements from the officers involved in the woman’s arrest and the officers and police staff involved in her detention. We obtained and reviewed evidence in relation to the woman’s medical assessments whilst in police custody. In addition, we examined custody documentation and CCTV footage and compared all of this evidence against local and national policies and procedures.

Throughout the investigation, we did not consider there to be an indication that any police officer, member of police staff or HCP may have behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings or committed a criminal offence. All involved were treated as witnesses and cooperated fully with the investigation.

We completed our investigation in September 2019. At the conclusion of the investigation, we shared our report with Cleveland Police, who agreed with our findings. In April 2020, HM Coroner for Teesside determined the woman died of natural causes.

IOPC reference

  • Cleveland Police
  • Custody and detention
  • Death and serious injury