Fatal collision - Hampshire Constabulary, July 2019

Published 13 Mar 2020

On 19 July 2019 two officers from Hampshire Constabulary were undertaking response and patrol duties when, at approximately 1.10am, they witnessed two vehicles pass them at speed, on the opposite side of the road, on the A325, Farnborough Road. The police driver illuminated his blue lights and activated his siren to follow the vehicles. However, neither officer saw the first vehicle again and the second, later identified as an Audi, was never close enough to the police vehicle for them to obtain further details. The officers followed the vehicle for approximately one minute in total. Having witnessed the vehicle negotiate a roundabout the wrong way, coupled with a change in the driving environment, the driver decided to turn off the sirens and lights. The police officers then discovered a vehicle (which was the same vehicle they had followed), an Audi, had collided with a lamp-post and a tree. They were unable to render first aid due to the condition of the vehicle, which had been crushed. Emergency services attended and administered first aid, but the driver of the Audi died at the scene.

Our investigators attended the scene and conducted a detailed examination. They also attended the police post-incident procedures. We analysed independent CCTV footage, officers’ body-worn video, airwave recordings, and data from both the police vehicle and the Audi. We obtained statements from the officers involved, and from other attending emergency services and witnesses.

The evidence suggested that the actions taken by the police officer in relation to the Audi after it was initially spotted and subsequently were proportionate in the circumstances. The evidence showed the police driver’s risk assessments and decision making took account of available environmental factors, and that they responded appropriately to the actions of the driver of the Audi. There was no evidence to suggest the police vehicle entered a pursuit at any time. On that basis, the evidence suggested the police driver’s manner of driving was in accordance with policy and procedure.

The evidence also suggested that all reasonable attempts were made to provide the man with medical assistance at the scene.

Based on the evidence available we found no indication that any person serving with the police may have behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings, or had committed a criminal offence.

We completed our investigation in September 2019 but waited until the inquest into the man’s death had concluded, in January 2020, before publishing its outcome.

IOPC reference

  • Hampshire Constabulary
  • Death and serious injury
  • Road traffic incidents