Stop and search - Bedfordshire Police, October 2018

Published 29 Jan 2020

On the afternoon of 10 October 2018, two Bedfordshire Police officers stopped and searched a young black man in Luton town centre. They had been provided with intelligence that the man had been seen doing what looked like drug dealing. The officers attempted to restrain the man within seconds of speaking to him, and without explaining what they were stopping him for. He resisted their restraint, and repeatedly asked what he had done wrong. Without providing an explanation, the officers attempted to handcuff him, and one of the officers deployed their incapacitant spray. Once detained, the man was searched for drugs, and given the reason for the stop and search. Officers did not find any drugs on him and released him.

The force referred the incident to us as a conduct matter. Our investigation examined: the way in which the stop and search was conducted and whether it was fair and effective; the force used on the man and whether it was necessary, proportionate and reasonable; and whether the man was treated less favourably by the officers on the basis of his race.

Our investigators took a statement from the man and from a police community support officer who was present at the time, and reviewed body-worn video footage of the incident. A CCTV trawl was conducted in the area, but unfortunately no relevant footage was identified. We also reviewed previous stop and search slips for both officers for a one-year period for comparator evidence.

Based on the evidence available we were of the opinion that a reasonable tribunal could find that one of the officers had a case to answer for misconduct, in respect of the stop and search and the force used on the man. We were also of the view that, although there was insufficient evidence to suggest that the man was treated differently on the basis of his race, there was an opportunity for learning for both officers, as they appeared to be lacking an understanding as to why their actions could have been perceived to be discriminatory.

We completed our investigation in August 2019.

Bedfordshire Police reviewed our report and agreed. They also determined that the second officer had a case to answer for misconduct for the poor aftercare the man was given after the use of incapacitant spray. We agreed with their determinations. Both officers will receive management action, to include a formal action plan with linked objective to be formally reviewed by their head of department before any sign off is authorised.

This investigation was also considered as part of a wider piece of work we did to study stop and search cases nationally.

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due


  • Bedfordshire Police
  • Discrimination
  • Use of force and armed policing