Woman reported as missing found dead - Metropolitan Police Service, August 2018

Published 16 Oct 2019

On 18 July 2018, a man reported his mother missing to the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). The man told police he had not seen his mother for approximately one month, her home address had been checked several times and she was not there. He also stated her suitcase was missing. The man told police his mother had family outside of the UK but he had checked with those she would normally visit and she was not with them. Police graded the woman as a ‘medium-risk’ missing person and undertook initial enquiries, including hospital checks, which proved negative.

On 19 July, police received information from another person that the woman was a frequent traveller and had likely gone abroad, forgetting to inform anyone of her whereabouts. Based on this information, the missing person report was closed.

On 30 July 2018, the man contacted police again to report that his mother was still missing. After conducting further enquiries, police established that the woman had not travelled abroad. On 1 August 2018, officers went to the woman’s home and found her dead. It appeared she had been there for a significant period of time.

During the investigation, investigators obtained accounts from a number of the officers involved in both missing person investigations. Investigators also reviewed police records to determine what information police were given, what actions police undertook to locate the woman, whether the risk grading during each missing investigation was appropriate, and whether officers acted in accordance with force policy. We also consulted the MPS missing person subject matter expert.

There was evidence to suggest that, following the initial missing person report, there were opportunities for other investigative actions to be carried out, and that the missing person’s investigation may not have been as comprehensive as it could have been. However, there was also evidence to suggest the woman may not have been missing at all.

The officer who made the decision to close the initial missing person investigation provided a detailed rationale for their decision and outlined the information upon which they based this decision. There was nothing to suggest that important information was omitted, and the officer also acknowledged contradictions in the information upon which they based their decision. We were of the view that there was evidence to suggest that this decision may have been a poor one, but that it had been made in good faith.

Based on the evidence available we found no indication that any person serving with the police may have behaved in a manner that would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings, or had committed a criminal offence.

We also identified some areas of learning for the force (see below).

We concluded our investigation in August 2019.

After reviewing our report, the MPS agreed. The force’s view was that the officer would benefit from learning, in the form of management action, as to when it is appropriate to close a missing person’s investigation.

IOPC reference

Date of recommendation
Date response due
