Discriminatory comments posted on social media by member of police staff - South Wales Police, March 2017
On 3 March 2017, a member of the public, who wished to remain anonymous, alerted South Wales Police (SWP) to a number of potentially offensive Facebook posts made by a member of SWP staff.
The reporting person included a number of screenshots of the Facebook posts, and stated that the posts on this Facebook profile had become rather extreme in their views and could breach the rules of SWP in relation to social media.
During the investigation, our investigators reviewed the material provided by the reporting person, examined local and national policy and guidance, and interviewed the member of SWP staff.
Based on the evidence available, we formed the opinion that there was sufficient evidence upon which a reasonable tribunal, properly directed, could find gross misconduct in relation to the information shared on the police staff member’s Facebook account.
After reviewing our report, the force agreed and held a gross misconduct hearing for the officer. At the hearing, the independent panel concluded that the member of staff had a case for gross misconduct, with a sanction of a final written warning. The member of staff was still employed by SWP at the time of the hearing, but working their notice period after resigning prior to the hearing taking place.