Met officers in court on assault charges

Published: 04 Jun 2024

Two Metropolitan Police Service officers will appear in court this week on assault charges, following an investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).

PC Sevda Gonen, aged 28, is charged with two counts of assault by beating and PC Stuart Price, aged 32, faces one charge of assault by beating. Both officers are due to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Friday 7 June.

The charges relate to an incident on 14 November, 2023 when the officers were transporting a 16-year-old child to hospital for a mental health assessment. Both officers have been charged for allegedly using unlawful force when searching the child. PC Gonen faces a second charge for allegedly slapping the child’s face and pulling his hair.

Our investigation began in December 2023 following a mandatory conduct referral from the Met Police. In April 2024, we referred a file of evidence to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), who authorised charges against the officers.

  • Metropolitan Police Service
  • Use of force and armed policing