IOPC investigations into Nottinghamshire Police are progressing following complaints by families of Valdo Calocane’s victims

Published: 02 Jul 2024

The Independent Office for Police Conduct’s (IOPC) investigations into complaints made against Nottinghamshire Police by the families of Ian Coates, Grace O’Malley-Kumar and Barnaby Webber are progressing. 

A separate investigation into Leicestershire Police’s contact with Valdo Calocane prior to the killings in June last year is at an advanced stage.  

Investigators have set out to Nottinghamshire Police and the families the scope of our investigations and have gathered and reviewed a large volume of documentation. We have met with the families to discuss the detail of their complaints.  

Regional Director Derrick Campbell said: “Our sympathies remain with the families of Ian, Grace and Barnaby for their loss in such tragic circumstances, and all those affected by the deaths. We recognise the significant public interest and concern over the horrific events of June last year, and the families’ understandable desire for answers as well as their call for change. 

“We are acutely aware that we are one of a number of agencies conducting reviews into the circumstances of this terrible case. Whilst we will endeavour to answer as many of the questions arising from the families’ complaints as we can, our remit is limited. 

“Some of the issues the families have raised as part of their complaints, as well as the broader questions raised about the criminal justice and health systems, are not something which the IOPC is able to investigate. 

“We will, of course, keep them updated on the progress of our work.” 

Our inquiries, which began earlier this year, are examining what information was available to police regarding Mr Calocane prior to the killings on 13 June 2023. 

We are also examining Nottinghamshire Police’s decisions and actions relating to Mr Calocane between September 2021 and the events of 13 June 2023, how Nottinghamshire Police informed the families of the death of their loved ones, and the support they put in place for them, including how information from the ongoing investigation was communicated to them. 

We are also investigating whether senior officers followed relevant policies and procedures in their oversight of officers investigating the events of 13 June 2023 and subsequent events. It also includes issues around communications with the family and public over the handling of inappropriate WhatsApp messaging and potential sharing of information about the case. 

All Nottinghamshire officers are currently being treated as witnesses. 

Another IOPC investigation is looking at Leicestershire Police’s contact with Mr Calocane prior to the killings last June and in particular the actions and decisions taken by officers during an investigation into alleged assaults by him the preceding month (May 2023) at Kegworth, Leicester. This followed a conduct referral from the force in February this year (2024).   

We have advised three Leicestershire Police officers, two police constables and a sergeant, that they are under investigation for potential misconduct over how enquiries were progressed. Decisions on whether any officers have a disciplinary case to answer will be taken on completion of the investigation. 

  • Nottinghamshire Police
  • Leicestershire Police
  • Death and serious injury