Former Sussex Police officer cleared of causing serious injury by dangerous driving 

Published: 08 Mar 2022

An ex-Sussex Police officer has been found not guilty of causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

Former Police Constable Louie Wellfare, 28, appeared at Brighton Magistrates’ Court for a four-day trial which concluded on 3 March.

The hearing followed our eight-month investigation which began following a collision involving a marked Sussex Police car, driven by PC Wellfare, and a man walking in Bear Road, Brighton, on 17 July 2019 at around 7.39am. The man sustained serious leg injuries and was taken to hospital.

We found that PC Wellfare was responding to an emergency call and was driving at an average speed of between 44mph and 47mph in a 20 mph zone before the collision.

As the taxi began to turn right into the junction with Riley Road, the overtaking police vehicle struck the taxi, causing both vehicles to change paths. The police vehicle mounted the pavement, striking the pedestrian before impacting with the brick wall of a childcare facility.

During our investigation, IOPC investigators interviewed the officer, examined CCTV evidence obtained from several vehicles at the scene and obtained statements from several witnesses, including the injured pedestrian.

Our investigation concluded in March 2020 and in April 2020 we referred a file of evidence to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) which took the decision to charge the officer.

We also found a case to answer for gross misconduct against PC Wellfare for potentially breaching police professional standards relating to duties and responsibilities and conduct and a disciplinary hearing will be arranged by the force.

PC Wellfare resigned from the force in June 2021.

  • Sussex Police
  • Death and serious injury
  • Road traffic incidents