Submit feedback

Feedback form

Please use this form to provide feedback on our service, give us a compliment or make a complaint. Do not use this form to make a complaint about the police. This form is also available in Welsh.

This form will be handled by our Quality and Service Improvement Team. They will acknowledge your feedback and aim to resolve it within 20 working days if required.  If we think it may take longer than this, we will contact you and explain how long we expect it to take.

The role of the Quality and Service Improvement Team is not to address concerns about the decisions made in your case. 

Feedback Form

This form cannot be used to challenge an IOPC appeal, review or investigative decision. This can only be done via the judicial review process.

We will use any information you provide in accordance with our privacy notice.


(limit 8700 characters, approximately 1200 words)

Selection of category

Please select from the following options: (Required)

Status of person completing form

Please select from the following options: (Required)

Please note, we cannot intervene in an appeal, review or investigative decision - if you wish to challenge an IOPC decision you can only do so via the judicial review process for which you should seek independent legal advice.

Your details

Date of birth

Details of the person on whose behalf you are acting

Date of birth

Your feedback

About your compliment

(limit 8700 characters, approximately 1200 words)

Please outline your complaint and any information or evidence you have

(limit 8700 characters, approximately 1200 words)

Equality information

We want to make sure that everyone has an equal chance to use and benefit from our services.

To help us ensure we continue to do this, it would help us if you could answer the following questions.

If you prefer, you can skip the question as it will not affect your complaint in any way. The information provided in this form will be used by public bodies involved in the police complaints system, including the police and IOPC.

You can find out how your personal information will be used in the privacy notices found on the website of each organisation. 

Which option below describes your disability? (tick all that apply)


Confirmation and completion

Click on the 'Submit' button below to confirm the information you have given is truthful and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

Find out how your personal information will be used by reading our privacy policy, and by accessing the websites of the other organisations involved.